Mummy & Daddy

Mummy & Daddy

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Too tight!

Im very much convinced you're gonna be a handful once you bounce into our lives in December, judging from how you're super hyper in-utero now! Your kicks are getting stronger, like a lil bongo party gone wild. I do wonder, what exactly are you bouncing about to in there. 

I  know the nasi lemak was a tad too spicy this morning, but dont worry coz Mummy bought a lot of tomato juice for us both later!

I realize I need to go shopping..!! For bras, and tops and sorts!!! Been locuming since 8am, and I cant wait to go home and get out of this bra!!! Its almost suffocating me! But judging from how it's been going I doubt I'll need actual maternity baju, just loose tops and comfy pants should do.

Its getting harder and harder to get a good nite's sleep nowadays. Every side I turn to, it feels uncomfortable. If I lie on my back, I get a headache from having my abdominal aorta compressed. Your Daddy has started snoring too, and that aint helping. So much so, it's always a toss and turn in bed and that prolly explains why Im always tired during the day!

According to BabyBump, you're a size of a corn now. Hope you're growing into a healthy golden lil corn!

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