Hellooooo.. New blogger in da house! Anyway, this is my first time blogging, so bear with me! I finished my exams yesterday night and it was a huge relief to spend a week or two in holiday till the next sem starts! Where i will be taking my final subject and thereafter, my masters project! Ohh. its all going so fast. Anyway, I have no idea how i survive my masters course till now! But a huge part of it is because of the wonderful support from Anan. She has a cane in her hand and whips me to go and study (now dont get ideas.. haha!) .. just kidding.. she becomes this wonderful person bringing me drinks and food while I am studying.. feeling so pampered.. and if i am nervous of all my impending assignment and exams, she has such nice word to say! Muaaahh ...love you honey..
Besides that, another 3 months more and we will be welcoming my wonderful little son who is one day to going to change the world for the better. We might need to have a task list for things to be prepared. So far, we havent done anything.. we need to convert the second room into his room and need to fix some things in the house.
Oh not bad for a first time blogger.. I feel while writing this, i put things into order and not have so much jumble thoughts in my mind.. Adiosss..!
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