Mummy & Daddy

Mummy & Daddy

Saturday 21 September 2013

Well now!

Finally, slept well last nite without being disturbed by intermittent coughing fits! But made a mistake by watching a horror Thai movie just before bed time, and hence was shit scared :) and Bums refused to lemme switch on the bathroom light so that the room wasn't completely dark! Somehow slept off..

My leg cramps are being soothed by lovely foot rubs by the husband! And it really makes a vast difference. I don't wake up to the feeling of dragging around 8tonned bulls by my ankle anymore (how much does an average bill weigh, anyway?) thank you Bums, it really helps!

We are midway thru our 27th week, and I'm finding it tougher to bend over to reach my feet or to pick up anything from the floor. And that's a bit annoying, coz I tend to drop things more often now! Gravid is now an understatement, as I think my belly is simply gigantic now! Though my mum begs to differ, saying I don't look anywhere near 6 months! I'm just getting used to being gravid then, gracefully!

Date nite with the husband later! The pregnancy has taken such a chunk of our social life, I actually sometimes miss him. Even though he's right next to me!

Have a great weekend ya'll!

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