Mummy & Daddy

Mummy & Daddy

Saturday 31 August 2013

LilBums, I've strong reasons to believe that you really like potatoes! As I chomp down on my coleslaw and mashed potatoes and chezzy wedges, I've realized you've become a very talented member of the uterine tribe, as you stomp away along the walls of my uterine wall! And this happens a lot when Mummy eats potatoes, that seems the most palatable to me now, and u seem to enjoy it like a hyper bunny! Glad we agree on something!!!

I had to endure my first ATT shot last week, and my did that hurt! Like seriously, I couldn't lift my left arm for a couple of days and it still hurts till today!! And I'll be getting jabbed again next month!!!! Oh no...

I think today is my last day in my second trimester! Just with another blink of an eye, and I'll be in labour! *gasp* Yes, I'm still scared of being in labour! How did time pass so fast..?!? Many still say I don't look preggy, maybe just fat, but hardly preggy! LilBums is gaining weight well, but Mummy apparently has lost more weight. It does kinda worry me sometimes, but Im secretly glad I ain't bloating up to resemble an oversized pumpkin, YET! And I'm not even trying not to put on the pounds, I just can hardly eat still and my appetite is still always playing hide and NEVER seek!

Ok, patients waiting. More of LilBums, laters!

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