Mummy & Daddy

Mummy & Daddy

Sunday 15 September 2013

Not well :(

Fingers crossed, I hope Im not coming down with a bout of pharyngitis. Been having gruelsome sorethroat since yesterday, started to feel feverish even. But somehow fought thru. Hardly slept last nite, woke up this morning and somehow made it to work. Looked into my throat, and saw its really injected though tonsils are fine. So far, afebrile. Hopefully it stays that way.

The husband took over from my Mum, and boiled a pot of barley. Been having that the whole morning, hopefully I'll feel better.

LilBums has been extra active, stronger kicks last nite and today. Perhaps he's trying to fight being sick too!

Cant wait to finish work, and get under the covers with a warm mug of tea!
6 hours to go, go go power rangers!

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