Mummy & Daddy

Mummy & Daddy

Thursday 5 September 2013

New Baju!

Yesterday, I bought my first maternity baju! After much apprehensions, Dheepa finally dragged me into on of those maternity shops in MV, and we actually tried on different stuffs! And they were quite nice, and so comfortable! Not like any of my bajus which I've outgrown and find so hard to get into!! Bought 2 pretty pink dresses. Came back home, paraded to the husband and he was laughing that I've finally bought maternity baju! They have other cool stuffs as well, like nursing bras, and panties that loosely fit the expanding girth and so on! Need to drag Mummy and check em out soon. I think with LilBums growing real fast, I've to start packing away more and more clothes from my wardrobe away into storage!

Oh Hello LilBums, you're finally awake... Strong kicks now! U must have slept cozily thru the rainy weather!

I think LilBums is very active now, as he's rebelling against the super pedas, but sedap nasi lemak I had for breakfast!

New symptom: leg cramps. Sometimes so severe it wakes me up in the middle of the night! Have to go look for a solution for it. I'm sure there's a valid reasoning, and reasonable ways to overcome it!

I wish there wasn't this whole taboo thing about getting LilBums stuffs and all, coz yesterday while we were in MV, there were so many nice cute baju and car seats and strollers and what nots! Too bad, I have to wait till after delivery to start shoping!

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