Mummy & Daddy

Mummy & Daddy

Sunday 18 August 2013

Sabbath Day!

Today's main agenda was too rest! Woke up, made some soup and garlic bread, watched telly a lil, and slept again. The upcoming week will be a crazy one for us, hence it really is vital we took it easy today!

We had Nando's for dinner last nite, we shared an Angry Mango chicky wrap thingy and I was wondering how lil bums would have tasted it in utero, coz it was super frickin spicy! We opted for it to be hot, and one bite of it I felt a burning inferno in my oral cavity! Sorta gave me a tummy upset today too.. Hope lil bums is tolerating it ok!

From the feel of it, looks like he is resting well today as well. Less vigorous kicks today, but still equally active. I may need to schedule for an OGTT next week, to rule out Gestational Diabetes as he is putting on too much weight in my lil bump. Might as well get a thyroid function test as well. Bummer.

Hope ya'll took it easy today as well! Have a great Monday ya'll!!!

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