Mummy & Daddy

Mummy & Daddy

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Our son is finally here!

And a hero is born!

LilBums was brought into this world, dramatically, at 6.48am on the 7th of December 2013, at Assunta Hospital, Petaling Jaya via an Emergency Lower Segmental Ceaserian Section by Dr Jaswant Singh. Woot, woot!

I woke up early on Friday morning (6th Dec) coz I was supposed to send Mummy to class. The night before, I noticed my thighs were wet, but dint think much of it. But when I woke up, I felt more wetness and some dripping even. So, yea I was leaking liquor and I had to be speculumed. Got to Dr Jaswant's clinic around 10am ish, and after being speculumed it was confirmed I was leaking. Pooling visible, and liquor was clear, os was only 0.5cm. I was told to get admitted to Assunta pronto. I was still ok, no contractions yet.

Since I was still well, we went to McDs and whacked Prosperity Burger first.. teeeheheheheh, super epic! Got myself admitted to Assunta's Delivery Suit around noon. Was immediately strapped on for CTG tracing, which revealed one deep deceleration, with a poor pick up. Baby was in distress. He came around 3pm, and judging from the CTG, he suspected the possibility of Cord Compression. I was to be on continuous CTG tracing. A deep deceleration again around 5pm. At 7pm, labour was augmented with IVI Pitocin 2units/ml.  Os was only 1cm, contractions were mild and quite far apart. But from then on, I started experiencing stronger and more frequent contractions. I requested for ny first IM Pethidine, and instead of lasting for 4hours, it only calmed me down for a mere 30minutes! Around 9pm, contractions were almost 5minutes apart, lasting 10-15secs each. At 11pm, contractions were 3-4mins apart, and lasting about 15-20secs. 2am, os was still 1cm. We discussed the option of an EMLSCS, to which I was ready for. But both Mum and Bums wanted to wait it out and see if labour will progress. 5am, os was still 1cm, contractions were strong every 3-4mins and LilBums kept decelerating every time after a contraction. The CTG machine was beeping frantically.

I was wheeled in to OT, almost passing out from the contractions. Caught a glimpse of Daddy who was waiting outside all along as he wasnt allowed into the delivery suite. Was prepped and given spinal anaesthesia, while still having contractions. Minutes later I was numb waist below, and they started opening me up. I've assisted in surgeries as such many times, but to have one done on me is pretty scary. I caught reflections of my opened up lower abdomen from the lights above. Shortly after, they brought in Bums, whom  I was so glad and relieved to see, coz I was starting to get really scared and anxious. I looked to my right several times, and next thing I knew Bums was standing up and looking across to where they were operating on me. Was very proud of him, for not fainting and passing out. He witnessed the birth of our son, and next thing I heard were cries of our son. With an Apgar of 9/10, the nurses brought him over to me and that was our first contact, they showed me his cuckoobird to confirm he was male. At that moment, just for a split second, I couldn't think less of all that I just had to go thru. I was just glad LilBums was safe and well. He was wheeled out to the nursery with the excited new Dad tailing behind, after given the chance to carry him for the first time.

Bums told me later, that LilBums had his cord around his neck. Loosely, yet that was probably what was causing his distress.

I was discharged 2 days later. I was dragged outa bed to ambulate the very next day, and extremely proud of myself for making it all the way to the nursery and back.

Over all, my stay in Assunta was very pleasant. The nurses were mostly very helpful. My obstetrician, Dr Jaswant is a gem of a person. He dint charge us for consultation, and we only paid him for conducting the surgery. It has been such since the beginning of our Antenatal follow ups, an unspoken doctor-to-doctor code.

LilBums is 16 days old today. Im still getting used to being a mother, who is fully breast feeding her son, who cries for milk almost hourly >_< But seeing him smile occasionally, and having his lil head rest on my chest while he sleeps gives me a great sense of responsibility and splutter of joy. Of how Bums and I have brought in a wonderful being, who'll grow up being very pampered by his grandparents, yet charms us all with his cheeky smile.

Thank you for all that made is a miraculous for us. To some of the few who have visited us with warm wishes, gifts and yummy food. To many who called and texted. To several who's helped me out thru out confinement. My parents have been very supportive and helpful taking care of both of us, my Periamma who's done too much for us making sure we recover well and fit, and of coz my Husband whom I can strongly vouch, has been more helpful than most of other husbands Ive known.

Shall post photos soon!

This itself was written over a span of 2 days, in between ( . ) ( . ) service!

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