Mummy & Daddy

Mummy & Daddy

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Krishaen is his name!

We've been parents for one month now! What a whole new world... Im sure many of ya'll literally sang that line rite? Like in Aladdin.. :p

We've just celebrated the end of confnement last Sunday.And yes, even though we live in the modern era now, and despite us being scientific people rather than mythical ones, we still went thru it all. Like the whole 9 yards. Some of it hardly had any base to it, but when Periamma and Mummy tried explaining it a lil, it did sorta made sense. I diligently consumed all the rempah ratus which made me feel so panas. But honestly, confinement period did sorta get to me after 2 weeks or so. I was literally starting to feel very confined. Especially when LilBums and I were sleeping in the spare room downstairs. Also perhaps, I was so new to it all. The constant need to feed (both me and LilBums!), and the many food restrictions, being cooped up indoors and of coz the lack of sleep. Only when I was well enough to get upstairs and be with Bums did I feel a whole lot better. It was indeed an experience. I thought I was gonna break down, which I think at some point I almost did. I turned into one helluva nasty sleep deprived monster, I was mean towards Bums (we broke into so many fights, most of the time it was my fault, but he was also jahat sometimes), and I kept snapping at everyone at home. Looking back, I believe it somewhat toughened me up and made me a stronger person, in a weird kinda way. Im getting used to the routine, I enjoy feeding and caring for him, Im embracing motherhood. Im also slowly becoming a super obsessive and paranoid mummy! :p

Many may disagree with the whole confinement process and all, ridiculing it and calling it baseless. But I believe, certain things are just meant to be. You'll see the value of it later.

Initially it was so hard to get LilBums to latch on to breastfeed. I suffered from painful and sore nipples due to improper latching. It was so sore, that it hurts even when rubbed against the t-shirt. But we persevered. Good support from my parents, and Bums who reminded me how it's good for him, I braved thru. LilBums is now a one month old, fully breast fed baby. Ive lost weight, and our son is receiving the best. Win-win situation. Been following a group on FB which provides good support as well. Seriously, I dont believe in anyone not having enough milk. I think it's a mere excuse to not provide to your child, unless of course it is medically indicated. It is hard work and demands every ounce of you, physically and mentally, and to give such excuses is simply taking the easier way out.  And having successfully accomplished this, of which Im planning to for another year at least, I believe Ive rights to boast and gloat. So, yea.. Breast is the best! There is always enough milk, always. Just continue latching and it'll produce. Get a good nursing pillow to support yourself, it really helped me when LilBums was so tiny as a newborn. And read,.. read a whole lot. Educate yourself endlessly. Even as a doctor myself, I've learned of so many things in just these few months. And dont follow a schedule, like every 2 hours or so. Use it as a guide, but follow your baby instead. Feed on demand. And most importantly, dont give up. It'll get better. Before when it was so painful I used to dread it when he cries for milk, but I still got up and fed him thru my extremely sore nipples. Now, when he doesnt get up after a certain hour to feed, I get really sad. It's more of a pleasure to feed him now (except at frickin wee hours in the morning!), and to know he's receiving the best is just so assuring.

And we're saving a lot! Formula milk is so frickin expensive!!! Pheewww....

This was written over a span of 3 days :p

Ive got more, but laters! ( . ) ( . ) time....